Feb 10, 2022Liked by Vance Pollock

Unfounded denigration and distortion -- anyone with non-mainstream ideas will be subjected to this by their mouth-breathing opponents. It's all a big show to scare off the weak-willed. The downside of this lazy tactic is that those who are not scared off quickly realize the scam that is afoot and then ignore the opponents entirely. The opposition would have done better to give a reasoned critique of their target. Characterizing WDP as "just another thug" tells us to ignore everything else the writer has to say on the subject.

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The paranormal tour guide types who are such cowards that they have to denigrate subjects they're interested in as "wacky and left field" make my skin crawl. God forbid they hold something other than a high status opinion. The pop-paranormal culture is an albatross hanging from the neck of true esoteric historians. I assume this article coming after the LARPing one is no coincidence, as the floating through walls gimmick made it into the Kaiserreich mod.

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Oh, I'm slowly building up to some total Hellboy, Weird War Tales type portrayals. If you know of any specific Pelley (or obviously inspired by) appearances in pop schlock, please bring them to our attention. And, yes, the LARP thinking did remind me of this segment.

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